I would love to put in my two cents for where to have the next Symposium!
Of course living in Washington, I would love to have the next Symposium
in Seattle, Washington, but if not Seattle, please consider Portland,
Maybe we can get Richard Bach, who wrote the Ferret Chronicles to be one
of the speakers and also Dr. Cathy Johnson Delaney who has been working
with Washington Ferret Rescue and Shelter on the Adrenal research.  There
are also a couple of wonderful vets I have heard in Portland, Oregon that
might be happy to also be one of the speakers.
Also, October is a wonderful month to come to Seattle, Wa and Portland,
Oregon.  At this time of the year its usually not raining as much.  There
is so much to see and Canada is not that far off.  You can also take a
ferry to Victoria Canada, which is a beautiful place to visit, and also a
great choice for the Symposium
The Symposium in Atlanta was great.  I had so much fun and it was such a
learning experience, everyone should get a chance to go to at least one
Symposium, that's why I feel its important to have them each year on
opposite sides of the United States.
I honestly don't think we should ever have the symposium in the same
place that we had it before.  That's why I don't think Vegas should be
My two cents,
Charleen and the Wa. Tails
[Posted in FML issue 4306]