>From:    Rizzo Rat <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: Is Path Valley Farms just as bad as Marshall's?
>After finding out that our new baby Paige was deaf I contacted path
>valley and it went like this:
>----- Original Message -----
> From: Robert Marshall
> To: pathfarm[...]
> Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 8:18 PM
> Subject: deaf ferret?
>Deafness is very difficult to identify in ferrets because it is so common
>for ferrets to ignore even very loud noises.  When a ferret is "busy" and
>interested in exploring, they will ignore even the most obvious attempts
>to get their attention...............................................
>In addition, you need to contact the pet store where you purchased the
>ferret to seek their policy on something like this.
>Path Valley Farm, Inc.
that is too bad...they should stand behind their ferrets...and deafness
CAN be tested to the satisfaction of most with simple tests...and they
can be done at your regular vet's office so he can make an educated
i DO have to say...at leat Marshall Farms does not 'quibble'..they just
give you an immediate credit where you bought the ferret...all you need
is a letter on your vet's letterhead from him/her saying the ferret is
hearing impaired...it does not even have to be totally deaf...i, and the
others i know who have gone to MF about their ferret being deaf, did not
even have to give up their ferret...
who has used MF's guarantee...
KITY=^..^=KAT's Fuzzy Frenzy [+14](-14) http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com
SleepSack Page...   http://ferretlover97.terrabox.com/sleepsack.html
My Help4ADV Page... http://help4adv.terrabox.com
A Proud Member of S. O. S. .... http://supportourshelters.org/
Get 'Em While They Last!!!...Help FerretWise Shelter!!!!!
SHOP ClubMedFerrets Store!!!... http://www.geocities.com/clubmedferrets/
ADV GIVING TREE... http://www.mkaresq.com/ADV/adv_giving_tree.htm
[Posted in FML issue 4306]