Re: the posts below- I'd love to think there's a pro-ferret candidate
out there but honestly, neither of these posts or the articles quoted
tell me that Arnold is for ferret legalization.  Perhaps he's been quoted
elsewhere as being in favor of it, but I don't see it here, and I don't
see his wanting to do away with the EPA as being related to ferrets.
Call me a pessimist, but I think he'll be WAY too busy courting donors
and voters, planning his re-election campaign, and trying to fix things
his way if he's elected, to care about ferrets and legalization- it's
just not a big enough issue to the majority of the state for most
politicians to focus on- especially his first term in office, esp.
having won from this recall that's gotten so much press and having so
much focus on fixing fiscal issues, etc.  Believe me, I'd love it if he
did care about the issue-- and if anyone has any concrete information or
direct quotes about ferrets specifically from any of the candidates,
please post it!!
[Posted in FML issue 4289]