I apologize for taking so long to let you know I am home.  Here is
Largo's report on my trip to Ga. and happenings going on here at the
So here it is 14 days into October and I am doing the newsletter already.
Mum tolds me all that went on in Atlanta then asked me to tell you guys.
So I will try to tell you everything she tolds me... before she left she
had to call the fire department, (ooohwee the red and blue lights were
pretty) when she came home from the store she could smell something
burning.  She could not find what it was so she called the fire trucks
in.  they was here a while looking and looking but could not find the
fire.  Mum was lucky she had a fire chief that was not going to leave
till he did.  He had mum turn this on and that on do this do that...
finally he tolds mum to run water... YEP there it is, the pump to the
well was arching and burning causing smoke..  So the chief turned the
lectric off to the pump and there was no more stink.  (This is where a
generator would have been good) now this is where it gets real sticky
Aunt Stacie camed in to take care of us when mum left to go at 11:30 PM
Wed. there was NO water!!  So Aunt Stacie had to deal with no water till
it got fixed, the fix it man did not get here till Friday to do it..
POOR Aunt Stacie..  she was a sport about it though.  We tried to be
good, we tried not to make messes but we did some.
Now for the trip, mum left with wonderful Lisa she is mums daughter
in-law, What ever that is... they drove and drove for 15 hours.  They
gots to the hotel at 2:30 PM on Thursday, where Aunt DJ met them at the
front desk..  They all walked down to the Trinity room to see where mum
was going to set up..  Mum said it was like old home week, lots and lots
of hugs and glad you got here safe from all the great ladies (Linda
Iroff, Judy Cooke, Julie Fossa) that had everything to do with why mum
was there, and making sure things went right.  Okay so I is not going to
bore you with all the set up details and gobbly gook that went on until 8
PM..  Mum, Lisa and DJ was pooped all they wanted to do was eat something
and go to bed!!!  So off they wents to find a place to eat that they
could walk to... (Mum and Lisa gots in lots and lots of trouble from mums
two legged, furless kid that is a Policeman in Atlanta), he tolds mum she
hads no business walking anyplace in that City, But they did and they got
a great dinner at the BBQ Chicken diner... they sat at a table with 3
policemen's so mum thought they was pretty safe.  heehee well actually
they sat at a table that had 3 policemen's but mum and Lisa did not know
them..  so back to the hotel and off to bed... mum gots a Binky fix..
Thanks Aunt DJ for bringing Binky, mum would has been real crazy if she
did not get a ferret fix here and there over the weekend.  Mum would lets
Binky out to play when ever she was in the room.  Mum built him a hotel
playpen..  (shhhh mum did not make him use it much though) So it is
Saturday morning 5:30 AM mum over slept the shelter time but had nothing
to do but get ready for the first day so (Aunt DJ was still sleepen) mum
let Binky up, got ready to go down to go to work... Friday was crazy,
humans coming in from all over the country and world... mum met that very
nice Holland vet, she is an awesome lady..  She stopped to buy some
stuffs from mums.  Pretty soon mum was hearing all this neat stuff from
all theses neat ferret docs, I thinks our favorite Doc should go do one
of these..  I think I will tells him all about it maybe he will.  So
Friday was a good day, mum gots to see her furless cop kid for dinner,
another Binky fix and off to bed.
Saturday, it is another crazy day, lots of work to do lots of stuffs to
learn and a surprise visit from mums furless two legged kid all dressed
up ready for work!  He has his gun on and everything.  (I would of be
ascared if I was there) Jeanne Carly was doing her presentation, so mum
tolds Rod they should leave the room so they don't disturb anyone that
wants to hear what Jeanne has to say.  Keep in mind that Jeanne Carly
is the lady that does all those beautiful calendars of wonderful ferret
pictures in California where ferrets are outlaws (illegal).  She is
showing pictures of sets she did to get some of the pictures for the
calendars.  Off to the hall way mum, Roderick, and Lisa go out the back
door of the presentation room right into the hall where there are people
visiting..  Bob Church is one of thems people; he looks at my mums and
says "is everything okay" mum just beamed with pride and tolds them
(sorry ladies mum is not sure who you all were) this is my son Roderick.
Then down the hall they went to introduce Roderick to Big (Bill Gruber is
his real name) mum says she don't knows why they call him Big.  Any way
mum introduced Roderick and Lisa to Big, then Big gets this glint in his
eye (mums words not mine) says to Roderick "how would you like to play a
joke on someone"?  Roderick says "depends on the joke" So big tells
Roderick what he wants him to do.  (Keeping in mind Roderick is all
dressed for work full uniform ready to keep the streets of Atlanta safe).
At first Roderick said no, "I can not do that, it could get me into
trouble".  Off Roderick and Lisa go to see if they coulds finds something
to eat.  They camed back about 5 minutes later.  Mum tolds Roderick that
what ever he decided was up to him that she was not going to pressure him
into doing anything he did not feel comfortable doing.  They stood in the
hall visiting while Jeanne Carly continued to do her presentation.  All
of a sudden Roderick gets his cop face on him, his cop stance and off he
goes into the presentation room, right up to Jeanne Carly, Big turned the
lights on, Jeanne stopped talking looking right at Roderick with this (I
am not sure what you are doing look) the whole room of 150 people are
silent.  Roderick very quietly says to Jeanne "do you have some
identification on you"?  (Visibly taking 2 steps backwards) Jeanne says
yes why?  Roderick says "you are from California are you not"?  POOR
Jeanne turned so pasty white..... Mum felts so bad for her that she went
into the room took the microphone from Jeanne Carly's hand and said I
would like you all to meet my son Roderick.  Well the entire room erupted
into applause and laughter, Mum says she thinks Jeanne was laughing too
but she sure was scared..  How sad that a state can make a ferret lover,
so timid when there is a police presence.  You go Jeanne Carly get my
buddies from being outlaws!!!  Keep up the great work you is doing to
help all my cousins.  So our fun stops Jeanne heart starts beating again
and she goes back to doing her presentation.  ( Roderick tolds mum last
night on the telephone that he was REAL scared too)  Mum, Lisa and Rod go
outside to talk..  Roderick had to leave for work so mum and Lisa wents
back in to man the booth that DJ gots stuck watching while mum was goofin
around.  Jeanne bless her heart went out and made her hair gray for the
reception to show Big just how he treated her!  LOL you is a good egg!
The rest of the weekend was good, fun and lots of learning for mum.  Now
for what is going on here at our shelter.  Mum tolds me to tell you the
Giving tree is up and ready to go so if you wants to be a secrete Santa
to a fur kid go to the link I am giving you .  Mum has some kids on there
too, but there are lots and lots of fur kids from all over in all
different shelters that needs a Santa.  Go take a look please.
While mum was gone Aunt Stacie tooks care of us, the yard, the play yard,
and even fixed the big hole at the top of mums driveway.  Filled it right
up with lots of stones.We all tried to be good while mum was gone.  Mum
is putting together some raffle stuff that will be up this week, run till
15th of December.
Baby and Nyxa are going in for surgery tomorrow.  Both adrenal kids.
Bones gots himself a far away mom, so maybe he will stop thinking about
taking over my job as mascot!  It is mine, it is mine it is mine.  Sully,
and Ziggy needs a sponsor, their sponsors lost their jobs.  Okay mum said
I is getting way out of control.  it was her idea for me to tell you all
about Atlanta so sheeezzz.
Kibble and wet nose kisses
Master Largo
[Posted in FML issue 4302]