Dooks everyone!  It has been a long time since we last spoke - and on
this email - I need some advice.  I have 4 ferts - two albino's, one
cinnamon, and one sable.  When I was working in Chicago this past summer,
I brought my cinnamon gal (Lucy) and my sable boy (Rikky) - with me.  I
purchased a smaller, "traveler" cage - and we were all set.  I tried
using a different litter - as I was staying in a hotel room and needed to
keep the "air fresh".  The bedding had pine chips in it.  My cinnamon gal
started to lose alot of the hair on the end of her tail, however, my
sable only lost a wee bit.  Back at home, my husband also picked up this
same litter.  Long story short - one of my albino's started to lose the
hair on the tip of her tail also.  I now believe it is from the pine
chips - because when we stopped using it, the hair loss stopped.  The
question I have is: Could the pine bedding have caused this, and if so,
when (if) they furries will grow their hair back?  I stopped using this
about 2 weeks ago - when I finally figured out what I thought MAY be
causing this.
Also -for those of you who may remember, I adopted one of my albinos,
from 24 carat ferret rescue.  When I was in Chicago with Rikky and Lucy -
it was only Artemus and Morganna here.  When I first came back, Morganna
was horrid to the other ferts who were with me.  She was ATTACKING to the
point of injury, when we first came back.  She finally has tempered down
a little, but for a while there, that was pretty scary.  Could this be a
"alpha female" instance?  Any advice, obviously appreciated!!
God Bless,
Kim and Her Army of Idiots.
[Posted in FML issue 4301]