Hi All-
She worked hard at her computer to send this along- from our Judy W ,
hospice Mom for Ferret:
I wish to thank all of you who sent card and messages and prayers.  They
meant so very much to me.  Although I have not met many of you we have a
common bond in our love of ferrets.
I am slowly getting over the stroke and trying to do more each day.  I
still face surgery but am not sure just when but, I am quite anxious to
get back into full swing and back to the normal hectic life.
Thank you much for your support.
Kindest regards, Judy Williams
From those here at the main building, both two and four legged, you all
have our thanks as well.
We will get through this - we know we have good friends for support.
Alicia D.
[Posted in FML issue 4301]