Hi All, I need some help again :).
Well the weather is getting COLD here in southern Ohio and we have to
turn the heat on to warm the house up some and my husband said that we
have to keep the doors open to help heat the house right (I always close
the doors to were the kids are not aloud to go).  So what I am looking
for is something to put up in the doors to keep them open and the kids
out some sertan rooms in the house can anyone suggest anything?
I have a baby gate in one door with a plastice runner peice taped to it
if not the BRATS (sorry:))angles (with little horns) will climb over it
and get into everything.  We don't have much money to spend sence my
husband got layed off so I need cheap idead but GOOD and SAFE ones.
Thanks again for all your all's help:).
Missing Ernie,Cinders,Jesse
[Posted in FML issue 4288]