Okay, I understand now that there is bad blood between the two groups and
that means that has to be taken into account.
>whatever the person's reasons were for feeling they needed to step
>in and make that phone call, almost cost the ferrets their lives.
>The HS ... ALL have been euthanized immediately.
Susie, WHY would they have been euthanized?  That REALLY confuses me.
Could you, please, find out which humane official at which office made
that statement and if there may have been a misunderstanding because if
it is not one then work needs to start toward changing that policy.
***** I can see that you are saying that multiple people down
there took differing actions, but I do NOT get why they would
have been destroyed.  *****
The humane organization there mentioned in their website (unless the
wrong one was looked up -- a possibility) that they have been working
toward becoming no-kill for animals who are not dying at the time anyway,
and certainly in many other areas as soon as ferret shelters contacted
humane organizations and talked with them they were able to work out a
solution, with the ferret shelters taking the animals and the humane
organization pressing the legal charges.
That solution has happened time and time again and it prevents many
reoccurrences -- a really major concern.  From the news article (which
isn't from the conflicting parties) it appears that that couple is maybe
already repeating the abuses so a person really has to wonder if charges
could have saved some animals in the meantime.
There are just some statements which aren't stand-alones.  When a
statement is made that the animals would be destroyed then one HAS to
- Why?
- Who is the source?
- Could there have been a miscommunication?
- What compromises may have been able to be worked out (esp. since that
  has succeeded so many places before now)?
- What can be done to prevent that from being the case in the future?
>The focus became to get the ferrets out ...then explore the legal
>aspects of the situation.
Okay, but the reality is that once removed there all too often no longer
is any legal option.  That is one reason that the IFC and a number of
experienced volunteers put together a list of guidelines in the first
place and why that info was shared: to save as many ferrets present and
future as possible, and so that everyone can learn from the combined
earlier experiences, successes, and mistakes beforehand.  *****(BTW, I
NEED to hear from those who provided things for that list to polish the
final version; I sadly lost the most recent list of contributors so I
think I am missing names.)*****
>Once the ferrets were safe, then the HS could proceed... There were
>five witnesses that day, including myself.  We saw the conditions
>those ferrets were in and I saw how freaky Jennifer was.
It is hard that those most likely to repeat tend to have the types of
problems which make them most frightening to rescuers because those
behaviors make one think any action may be possible sometimes.  I don't
know if it was like that but I know it can be.  There was a repeated
hoarder who lived not many houses from me during my youth.  She
alternated between cats and dogs and would destroy the animals in her
switches.  (Back then nothing could be done.) Eventually her next door
neighbor, a dear friend who spoke with me right after calling the
daughter, went into her house when Mrs. C. said her husband would not
speak to her.  He'd been dead for a few days but she'd been spoon feeding
his remains.  So, yes, I know too well that some of hoarders and abusers
are very removed from reality.
>On the night of the rescue, I found court documents...
So, have there been repetitions of the behavior by that couple AFTER the
rescue, or do the report date only from before?  Does anyone know?  This
really is an important question.
You asked so: "A" is someone who just happened to find the website and
was as confused as I.  I'm STILL confused on the points above, to be
frank with you.  That may partially be due to differences in cooperation
foundations, poor communication which left gaps, differences in laws
between areas, etc.  If these points confuse at least one person then
they likely confuse a number and are best clarified.
[Posted in FML issue 4299]