>From:    Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
> http://www.msnusers.com/ [removed to stop hits]
> http://www.wftv.com/news/2546785/detail.html
>Can these things be clarified, please?
>Is that animal abuser who wasn't prosecuted taking in ferrets AGAIN
>already after the ferret community just got saddled with rescuing so
>many and contributing to their care (which is what it sounds like)?
>And what the heck are they doing having them brought into a regular
>home with raccoons and stray cats?
This is what happens when someone who has NO connection to the rescue -
did not assist in the rescue, has not donated any items or time, and is
not privy to any information regarding the situation nor the
Ferrets-n-Limbo rescue outside of what is disseminated.  Each person who
has stolen information (email or photo) has contacted this person and
demanded that the materials be removed from the website.  This person has
refused and I so far I have contacted msn to issue a complaint regarding
the site.  I have urged the other six folks (who were at the rescue that
day and have continued to be involved by donating their time) to do so
also.  I'd like to make it very clear that the persons hosting this site
have never been involved with the rescue, have never been to Jennifer's
house, nor have they been to Ferrets-n-Limbo.
This person began causing trouble on the Florida rescue list as well as
several other lists prior to the rescue on September 20.  She was
corrected and posts were sent out to many of the lists, including the
FML in an attempt to perform some damage control.  This person appears
to have nothing better to do than skewed the facts to *her* version of
the truth in what is seeming to be an attempt to cause trouble.
The rescue of these animals was severely jeopardized when an anonymous
phone call was made to the Titusville Humane Society shortly before the
rescue was to take place.  What this foolish person did not realize is
that Jennifer had a friend who worked there and that person tipped
Jennifer to the impending investigation.  Jennifer freaked out and called
off the rescue, refusing to turn over the ferrets.  Marie was able to
talk Jennifer into proceeding with the rescue, but Jennifer was normal
paranoia level went off the scale.  I'd like to insert at this point,
that whatever the person's reasons were for feeling they needed to step
in and make that phone call, almost cost the ferrets their lives.  The
HS indicated that if the ferrets had been taken to their facility, they
would ALL have been euthanized immediately.  I don't think that the
person that called wanted to see that, but in their desperation to punish
Jennifer, that person came very close to killing all of the ferrets.  All
because the person was uninformed - see what medling in what you are not
a part of can do?
At that point, the decision was made to proceed with the rescue.  The
focus became to get the ferrets out, away from Jennifer's, and then
explore the legal aspects of the situation.  Once the ferrets were safe,
then the HS could proceed as they saw fit.  There were five witnesses
that day, including myself.  We saw the conditions those ferrets were
in and I saw how freaky Jennifer was.  We moved as quickly as possible,
taking the time only to put the ferrets into carriers and moving them
out.  Any triage was done away from her property so as not to set her
off.  I'd like to say here that Marie did a wonderful job of keeping
Jennifer occupied and calm during our operation.
On the night of the rescue, I found court documents online that Jennifer
Sypien was pressing charges against her neighbor and how big of an issue
Jennifer's animals truly were.  Hence the involvement of the zoning
committee and the news article on Channel 9.  Following the rescue, phone
calls were quietly made to other animal rescues as well as to licensing
bodies in an attempt to keep Jennifer from obtaining more animals in the
future.  Understandably, these existance of these phone calls were not
>Thanks for sending the links, A!  At least many of us are all confused
>together till more is known so I sure hope more is found or learned soon.
I sure would like to know who this 'A' is.  Especially since no one with
that name was linked to the rescue in ANY shape or fashion.  In fact,
the person that created the first website offered to come help, but
never showed or called to offer regrets.  Seems that if someone was
truly concerned, they would be there on the front line.  Once again,
I have to urge folks who want or need information to go to
http://www.ferrets-n-limbo.org/ for the whole truth.  The ferret
community does not need to be divided by the misinformed.
[Posted in FML issue 4299]