I have recently have taken in a new rescue as you all know, the little
ferret with all the seed ticks.  I have since named her Phifer.  Thanks
for all the help in naming her.  You guys have some great names.
Anyways, I started treating her with a all natural ear mite medicine that
I got of the internet, but it did not seem to work.  Now I am worried
that my other 10 might have been exposed.
I was wondering what the best, the safest, the most effective and also
the most cost effective way to medicate 11 ferrets.  I want to treat
them all at the same time of course just to be safe.
I asked my vet and for the shot it is going to cost me over $25 a ferret,
and that would be $275.  For the drops, all he has is medicine for dogs
and cats and I was told not to use that on a ferret.
Has anyone done alot of ferrets at one time and if so, what did you use
and how much did it cost.
Thanks A Bunch-
Monica & The Fuzzy Bunch
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[Posted in FML issue 4297]