A few weeks ago, when mikey got into some chemicals, and had an emergency
visit, they pulled his bottom left canine...there was some swelling, and
it was remedied by having a hole in his chin to drain it out.  After a
week of antibiotics, the swelling went down, and had seemed to completely
heal...almost two weeks later, the swelling is back.  Mikey is going to
the vets in the morning, hopefully the last time.
anyone have any experiences with freuqent swelling?  The swelling seems
to be fluid filled.  I noticed something was wrong with him two days ago,
when he started digging all the food out of his food bin...never does
that unless something is bothering him.  Yesterday the chin seemed a
little swelled, and today it has gotten worse.  It probably hurts him
a good bit, everytime i scruff him to look at it, he fusses, flips his
paws, and cries.
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
Missing Noodles at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4287]