Hey Hey Hey,
Well, finaly getting settled back in after comming home from the
symposium.  Could not get my critters from underneath my feet to
get caught up the first day or two.  Me thinks they were glad to
see me!! : - }
What a wonderful experience the symposium was!!  I met folks I had been
corresponding with for years via email.  Everyone was so nice, even nicer
than in cyber space.  And......... aint it strange most folks dont "look"
the way you expect them too?  Any others surprised by that?
I learned so much.  I also learned there is much more to learn.  I am
very excited about some of the new thoughts on melatonin and preventative
health care!!  I can hardly wait for the next symposium.
I do hope some one took a pic of Jeanne Carley's face for the 2005 ferret
calendar cover.  She will know exactly which moment I am refering too!!
I would like to thank the SOS ladies and IFC for putting on such a great
show.  As a personal thank you, I would like to thank Renee Downs.
Without her help, I never would have been able to attend.  Renee does
a great deal behind the scenes and generaly keeps her doing a secret.
Well, Renee, this secret is out.  Thank you from the very bottom of my
ferret loving heart!!!
Karen and the Scruff You Gang
[Posted in FML issue 4295]