As Diddy had written about Kody and asked Sandee to find Pee Wee, to
introduce the 2 of them.  I want you all to know, it was very hard these
past few months/ the year that Diddy lost Pee Wee, he was very near and
dear to her heart, her best bud, her life saver.  Pee Wee was the one who
paved the way to the Rainbow Bridge for the Wheeler family, and I asked
Sandee to find many from my own group there, to introduce to Pee Wee so
he wouldn't feel so alone.
BUT, This is not about me, it is about Diddy, Pee Wee, Kody, and Gizmo
(the cat.) and all the Wheeler Whirlwinds.  Diddy has a heart of gold,
she loves her furried children, as much as she loves her biological ones.
She has also suffered a recent loss of a very, tiny kind, with that also,
so please everyone, send up a prayer for Diddy and The Wheeler
Whirlwinds, today, that Diddy find some sort of peace within.  She has
kept me in stitches writing about all of the ferrets, in her home and
including Katie the dog, and Gizmo her cat('s).  I keep thinking of the
"Gizmo kit", she sent her son, when he was in uniform, and "HE" was
missing Giz.  The pictures of Pee Wee, she sent in the mail, Pee in his
basket.  It had been sometime, since I had heard from her, (for me a day
can seem like forever) and today I receive her email telling me about
Kody.  I know her heart is broken.  Diddy has shared pictures, and
stories, and her heart, and fears, with me.
Please take a moment, to send up a small prayer and maybe even send her
a greeting or thought today, send her a the one she saw,
as Kody was passing.  [log in to unmask]  Her post for Kody, is in this
mornings fml, Sadly I did not receive the news till I checked my email
this morning., so this post is POST.  I received a private email from
her, telling me about Kody, again not reading it till this morning.
Diddy could really write a best seller , all about ferrets, dogs, cats
and family.
With heartfelt sympathies
With lots of love
With Blessings from the Rainbow=20
In loving memory of Pee Wee and Kody Wheeler=20
[Posted in FML issue 4287]