The ionic brezze is a highly advertised product that does not work.
Please read consumer reports and talk to someone in the industry and
do not waste your money or think that air purifiers do not work.  I
purchased my unit on line from the  The sales rep
was highly informative and knew all product lines.  They do not sell one
brand, the have many types and styles from a one-bedroom size to a
hospital size.  My brother in law is a doctor and highly allergic and he
has different machines for his home and office.  Before buying, find out
what size machine you need for what size square footage.  Is it just for
smells or for pollens and dust and dust mites and etc.  There are lots of
sizes, types, and companies with specific equipment to meet your needs.
My one-bedroom, one-ferret size may not be the best for whole house, 12
ferret size needs.  For the record, my ferret smells are non-existent.
[Posted in FML issue 4293]