My Spaz is gone.  My newest smart bomb, my torpedoe boy.  Deep down
inside he really was a sweet ferret, he just had a time adjusting to his
surroundings and the others.  He slept alone, and finally I would find
him getting closer and closer to the others, sorta like a shy child
wanting to be part of a group, and hanging around on the outskirts,
instead.  He would sleep under the bed, close by, but not with the group,
till finally I would wake and find him sometimes curled up in a hammie
with someone.
I think Fenris was the one who will miss him the most, as when I brought
Spaz home, and placed him for the others to say their farewells, Fenris
draped his body over Spaz and laid there for a long period of time.  It
is a long story, and one that I guess, I just don't want to relive, right
now,as , I have gone over and over in my mind all day.  Rest in peace,
sweet Spazzy , you are free now...
no more pain, no more suffering.
[Posted in FML issue 4293]