I've put off writing this for a month but the pain won't leave my heart
so I have to ask some questions about a recent loss.  I hope you may be
able to give me some general info.
Sissy Ferret approx.  six years of age died in pain before I could get
her to a vet.  She went blind about a year before her death.  The vet,
who tries but is not ferret knowledgeable, said she was just senile.  No,
she was truly blind.  I saw her walk into things too many times.  She
would eat well.  although only baby food after a terrible bout of ECE
which almost killed her two years ago.  Her appetite lessened and she
acted as if she were straining to go to the bathroom.  She always had
loose stools after the ECE.  I would give hter petromalt regularly and I
think it may have helped or maybe she just started eating again.  I took
her to the vet again and asked that she check for a blockage.  She said
there was no sign or symptom of any blockage and gave me antibiotics for
her teeth.  Two weeks later she suddenly took a turn for the worse, you
could see her stomach writhing and then turned cold and died in pain.  I
can't forgive myself for not arguing more with the dr.  Does this sound
like a stomach blockage to you?  I feel that I let her die for no reason.
The day she died she only ate a bit but she did play in her tunnel even
though she kept resting while going thru it.  I live in the country and
there are no vets who will treat ferrets.  I have to drive almost an hour
to get to this vet and by the time I realized how bad she was it was too
late to get her there.  Any light you or anyone else could shed on this
would help me even if you tell me that it was all my fault and I made bad
choices at least I'll know.
[Posted in FML issue 4293]