*I* never said that *I* lost any ferrets. My Bart and Victoria are fine.
Please pay more attention and don't assume things (But, thanks for the
thought anyway  :o)
My whole discussion and grief was sparked by the deaths of other's
ferrets.  This is why I am now looking into the best and worst anesthesia
methods.  If there is a common denominator; a common med that's being
used that is notorious for killing ferrets, it is up to people like *US*
to try to get it removed from vet practices permanently.  OTOH, it is
also up to *US* to demand that safer things like Isoflurane be used
So, now I am considering taking a survey of the worst and best anesthesia
meds.  From now on, every time I hear of an anesthesia related ferret
death, I will be asking what kind they used.
I agree with what you said about vets, but here, in the very primitive
"city" of Cheyenne, Wyoming, there is only one ferret vet, and I (we)
have never met him.  Here, I am in such a poverty situation that I can't
even begin to afford a vet, and at this rate, it'll be a while before I
can afford it.  If myself, my cats or my ferrets get sick and need
medical attention, we are all doomed.  Moving to Wyoming was the biggest
mistake that I have ever made!
Gary, Bart and Victoria
(and Lectris and Troni)
[Posted in FML issue 4293]