Greeting all.  I wish I had better news about placing the weasels but
only a few people contacted me and most needed to have them shipped.  So
on a brighter note I would like to relate a few ferrets escape stories
and maybe some of you out there will chime in .
Case File 81132 1993 Mount Pleasent SC Nikita, 3 yr old silver mitt.  She
could sneek around behind you and when you gave a look behind she would
hide, once the door was opened she would slip out .  I would go shopping
or whatever and when I returned I would hear a scratch at the door ,
opening it she would look up at me before she ran back inside.  She was
rather good at being a sneek and escaped three times .
Case File 81240 1996 Charles Towers Baltimore Samson 6 yr old male.  A
healthy and hardy boy that was very sweet and a lap daddy but was a
curious george and had the muscle to prove it.
We lived in a high rise, tenth floor, he would like to sit near the
window for his afternoon nap.  One day we came home and couldn't find
him , it was then that I found the hole in the heavy screen material.  He
had escaped and fell ten floors to the sidewalk .  We went all over the
area and couldn't find him but did find a man in a office across the
street from our flat.  He said he saw a small animal fall from a ledge
another nam found him and took him to the vet , thank god it was our vet
and he recognised him.  Samson only had a broken leg so we had the leg
placed in a cast and he lived for many years w/out even a limp.
Case File 81334 1996 Charles Towers Baltimore Rugby 4 yr old male.  We
had taken in a rescue, Rugby, a black sable , very large ferret.  After
the escape by Samson we had heavier screens put in , we woke one morning
after a storm , we had coffee and the other ferrets came out for their
sip of java (yes they liked coffee and the vet said that it was alright
as long as they didn't have too much) .  Rugby couldn't be found so we
went about looking at the screens first of all to make sure we were still
secure.  The bedroom screen had be ripped off by the storm, we looked out
and there he was , laying on his belly asleep in the sun shine , I got
him to come to me and we had the scrren replaced .
Case File 83023 1998 Dade City Florida Noodles 4 yr old female.  Her
escape was strange to say the least, We could find her for a whole day ,
we hadn't gone out , we had the windows closed as it was one of those
winter morns .  So where was she ???  I was in the "Library" reading the
morning news and I heard a sratching noise coming from the wall behind
the bathroom cabinet.  After a few minutes she came out covered in
drywall dust.  Se had made a hole and was about half way up the wall ,
she only came out foir water and food , I bought a board that would fit
the bottom of the cabinet opening and silconed it in place much to her
Case File 90274 2003 Northridge Ca Samantha 2 yr old sable female.  We
are now in our new home, we have yet to complete the ferret-proofing ,
Samantha sliped out the screen door , there is a very large yard so she
went for a tour , after an hour we heard a scratch at the screen door
and there she was , as soon as the door wa open she shot in and went to
the closet for a nap.
Case File 90275 2003 Northridge Ca Zeus 2 yr old male
Well I just got up , poured a cup of joe and sat down to watch some
morning news, I went out to get my nephews breakfast and as I opened
the door there he was sitting there waiting for the door to open , He
shot in and went straight to the food and water .
What is so strange about this is that most of the escapee's when given a
chance to leave have chose to take a look around then return to where
they feel safe.  Most ferrets that get out just wonder away but these
seem to only get a look around then return.
I do hope that some of you will share your stories .  i won't judge
someone as a bad owner as it is the first idea in a ferret tp escape
and find out what's out there , Mark
[Posted in FML issue 4292]