Low and behold I saw Marlin Perkins of Mutual of Omaha in a very old
program that of all things showed great herds of ferrets grazing on the
Serengeti Plaines of Africa, where all the original breed came from.
Was amazing to see great herds of the fuzz butts moving across the hot
dusty ground with heads down seeking the wild kibble plants.
Marlin did a quick history of this where he showed animations of the
Jurassic Byte-a-mus Mee-a-mus Rex of the Dinosaur age doing dook battles
with Raptors driving them nuts with the dook dance we still see in the
breed today.  The Kodo-a-saurus Rex was shown licking his enemy while
double dooking up a storm driving the Raptors and Tirantasaures
absolutely crazy.
In the scientific world they thought a huge meteor hit the earth causing
the extinction of the dinosaurs but now they feel the great herds of
migrating Ferrets dooking all over the plains and forests drove the
dinosaurs out of existence.
Dooks can be dangerous to your health today where they cause excessive
ferret math, uncontrollable laughter, and hugs and kisses for tube dogs.
There is no known cure.  Great!
Gordon, Byte-me and Kodo
Remembering Podo, Bud, and Nibble-ed
Trying to forget hurricane Isabel
[Posted in FML issue 4291]