I have both cats and ferrets!  With my present pets the rabbits were here
first, then came a dog, then the cats and finally the rats.
The ferrets ignore the rabbits and may even think they are not worth
bothering about as they will not play, on the other hand if the ferrets
get to boisterous the cat ends up on the top of the wardrobe swearing at
them, one of the dogs loves the cat but not the ferrets, so when its
ferret playtime I shut the dogs in my bedroom, just to be safe.
On the other hand if we are going for a walk, I take a couple of ferrets
on leads and the three dogs on leads, the cat is happy to walk along with
the ferrets and the dogs
The funniest situation I have come across was when one of my hob's was
climbing over the rat cage, one of the rats stuck her nose in his belly,
you have never seen a ferret jump so high and he rushed into the kitchen
to tell my partner all about that enormous rat who frightened him.
Artis Pet Sanctuary, Doncaster, Yorkshire ,UK.
[log in to unmask] Registered Charity Number 1069533.
Some great people who have supported me through my illness.
[Posted in FML issue 4291]