Dooks All ~!~!
How would you like the opportunity for a Ferret to tell you the answers
to all your questions?  No, mine are not THAT gifted~!  But I know of
some who can help.
The Pacific Ferret Shelter Network (PFSN) is extremely fortunate to have
a set of FERRET TAROT CARDS that we are raffling off.  Take a look at:
to see a sample of the artwork.  The cards were generously donated by
Elaine Moerti, thier creator.
Raffle tickets will be sold for $1.00 each / 6 for $5.00.  Tickets can
be purchased via PayPal using the Oregon Ferret Shelter account of
[log in to unmask] or at our Thanksgiving meeting on November 8, 2003.
Checks / money orders can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 3007
Oregon City, OR 97045
Please also email me [log in to unmask] to let me know.  That way I
can keep a running list.
Deadline for Paypal and mail is Friday November 7th so be certain to get
an early start.  Persons attending our monthly meeting on November 8th
will be able to purchase tickets until the drawing.  Winning ticket will
be drawn during the meeting.
If not present, the winner will be notified by email and the results will
be posted on the various email groups as well.  Good luck all ~!~!~!
The PFSN is a 501c3 Non-Profit dedicated to creating and supporting
shelters to house orphaned or unwanted ferrets and to offset medical
Warm Fuzzies ~!~!
Kevin B & The Way Kewl Kritter Crew    [log in to unmask]
Oregon Ferret Shelter volunteer
Pacific Ferret Shelter Network VP http://www.FERRETNET.ORG
[Posted in FML issue 4315]