Condolences to those with lost, sick, or angeled toilet paper
(Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) [Use yer own imagination: one
roll of toilet paper left unattended.  Five ferrets.  One cat...the cat
is sleeping.]
Just stuff to help lighten the mood:
Today (Sunday), Ghost, my tub-of-lard boy (he's on the website) decided
that the cat shouldn't be under the coffee table munching on Totally
Ferret snack food (the ferrets *think* its snack food!).  He nipped at
the cat and the cat swatted him.  Even as big as he is, the cat
out-weighs him by about three-to-one and a swat can send him tumbling.
So, he waits until the cat isn't looking, puts his "shoulder" against
Seriously!  I almost died laughing!  The cat was totally stunned!
At that same moment, Jessica came streaking around the corner and
'snouted' the cat, surprising him and causing him to decide it was
time to go outside for a while.  I agreed with him.  Poor cat.
Sundance, one of the two newest boys, decided he wanted to spend some
"quality" time with me during his run-bounce-and-tackle time.  So he got
the Totally Ferret Snack Bowl in his teeth, carefully lifted it up on the
couch (I was laying on the futon watching football), dragged it over to
my face, plopped it down and began munching.  He is *not* invisible.  I
had to move to see the TV.  So he moved the bowl...again.  Sometimes, you
just have to grin and wait! :)
*Most* of the time, after giving out a dab of FerretVite to the ferrets,
I remember to put the tube up out of reach.  Today, I failed to do that,
because I had pretty much gotten all of the paste out of it.  I had
*intended* to throw it away, but forgot.
Later on, I see little Rhun girl racing across the livingroom with the
tube in her snout, dragging it by the cap.  Suddenly, Chewy races by in
the opposite direction and swipes the tube from her.  A split-second
later, Sundance smacks into Chewy, causing him to drop the tube, which
Sundance grabs and scampers off with.  Bump shoulder-slams Sundance,
bowling him over, grabs the tube and scoots for the futon.  As he passes
by, I reach down and snatch the tube from him.  He proceeds to hop and
bounce in frustration, demanding the tube be returned! goes
in the trash!
This evening, Add-A-Kiss was snuggled into a blanket on the futon (in the
gap behind my knees), where she likes to hide from the other girls.
However, inside the blanket, she can't see what/who is out there, so when
I put my hand on the blanket to check on her, her tiny little nose pops
out and she latches onto my it a little taste, then let's
go, realizing its me.  She doesn't bite hard...just barely enough
pressure to hang on.  However, that's what she does to make sure that,
if it isn't me, she will get in the first bite!  :)
Later, I was walking into the kitchen and noticed activity in Dancer and
Spazzie-Girl's cage.  I turned on the light and there was Hershey, eating
their food!  I kind of laughed (the food in their dish is identical to
the food in his dish) and was about to turn off the light, when I noticed
Spazzie-Girl in *Hershey's* cage, eating *his* food!  I guess they live
by the rule of "A nugget for a nugget" or something like that!
Ok...enough depressing stuff...back to your regularly scheduled FML!
Anon and the Fuzzbutt Rodeo Clowns!
(tee hee!  they'll never know who *I* am!)
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[Posted in FML issue 4313]