Hi everyone.  Just came from my local WalMart store, and found a new "no
kill animal rescue that was outside the front doors taking donations.
Lo and behold, they have 2 ferrets.  One is a male, possibly used as a
breeder at one time, now is neutered and descented, but is definitely a
big boy.  Ear is tattooed, maybe Marshall's?  The other is a little girl,
the rescue employee said he was told she is a year and a half old, but I
would say she's only about 8 months old, unless she's very small for her
age.  She is also supposed to be neutered and descented, but has no
tattoos.  Both are supposed to be current on their shots, according to
the man, and both apear very friendly and loving, as my husband and I
held them for a few minutes while talking to him.  Neither one seemed
to be nippy.
I did suggest to the shelter owner that he get something besides the
pine shavings he is using in the bottom of the cage, told him it could
cause respiratory problems, and he said "Oh, maybe that's why they are
sneezing." He did say he is asking for a $45 adoption fee.  They both
appear to be silver mitts, and they both look to have a panda bib on
their chests, the little girl's more pronounced.
If I didn't already have 3, I would take both of them, but hubby says 3
are enough.  So, if anyone is interested, I can put you in touch with
the Head to Tail Animal Rescue that has these 2 adorable kids.  Also if
anyone is in the area of Toledo/Oregon, Ohio, he said he will be at the
Walmart on Navarre Avenue till 7 pm tonite.
Can someone please give these 2 furkids a new home?
Dooks and hugs,
Brenda  Steinfurth
[Posted in FML issue 4313]