Hello all,
I'm starting to heal from my newest tragedy, and I wanted to tell
everyone about the life of Bilbo (or what I know of it).
Bilbo was one of Ted's crew.  He was a beautiful, fiesty little guy.  He
was a really dark sable ferret with an attitude.
Bilbo came to Ted as a gift (I know, not a good idea, but this gift
worked out).  Ted's old girlfriend bought Bilbo for Ted since he was
grieving over the loss of his ferret Odie.  Ted said that the first night
Bilbo spent with him that he cried and cried.  He must have missed his
fellow kits from the pet store.  But Ted comforted him, and Bilbo found
love in a human counterpart.
Not long after getting Bilbo, Ted bought a little friend for him (cute,
sassy sable girl we call Sugar).  Then other ferret friends came along
after that: Frodo, his big cinnamon brother, Cotton, his little albino
sister, and after meeting me Noodle, Chance, Vera, Roly, and Winkwomp
(for a short time anyway).  Bilbo certainly had a lot of friends in his
time on earth.  I feel very fortunate to have spent some time and love
on him but also unfortunate that he left us so soon.
Ted told me that once Bilbo got his little head stuck in a toilet paper
roll.  "Honestly, Dad, I thought it was a tube.  I'm not that big, am
I?".  Luckily, he wasn't hurt, but it definitely made Ted aware of the
dangers of ordinary household objects.
One of Bilbo's favorite games was "Chase the Cat".  Ted has a big black
cat named Rhubarb who loves to play tag with the ferrets.  "Na-na-na,
you can't get me when I jump over the barricade." Bilbo was a persistent
little ferret.  He would wait for Rhubarb to jump down and attack him at
every opportunity.  Rhubarb put up with Bilbo for the most part.
Besides, it was humorous to watch Bilbo jump (unsuccessfully) for the
chance to get to Rhubarb's high perch.
Bilbo was the quintessential ankle biter.  He used to make me so mad.  He
would bite my feet and no matter how often I scruffed him and told him
no, he refused to let my discipline win.
Sugar is now trying to to fill Bilbo's empty shoes, but of course, it's
not the same.  She's biting feet like Bilbo used to, my guess is she's
trying to ease our pain as well as her own.  Rhubarb doesn't like the way
she plays with him, and he's getting mad at her games.  She doesn't play
like Bilbo did.  Rhubarb must miss the dark guy too.
Ted and I still hurt so much from Bilbo's passing (and I know that pain
won't go away).  I can take comfort in the fact that Bilbo never knew the
pain of abuse that so many of our rescues know.  He was a pet store
ferret, and he was loved every day of his life.  He never knew the pain
humans could inflict on animals.  So, although his passing was sudden, he
died peacefully in his sleep knowing that his mommy and daddy loved him
dearly and that all his brothers and sisters cherished him.
When Winkwomp passed on, my other ferrets weren't really affected by it.
I had him such a short time, and he chose to bond with me instead of the
other ferrets.  However, Bilbo is different.  All our ferrets loved him,
and they are all showing signs of depression.  It saddens me to watch my
babies moping around.  They will get out and play with each other, but
eventually, they return to the cage early to sleep and dream of their
brother.  Vera hasn't really left my side since it happened (at least
when she's out for playtime).  I'm so confused by her behavior because I
didn't think she had that close a bond with Bilbo.  My guess is that
since all the ferrets knew he had passed (he died in the cage with all of
them present), it gravely affected all of them.  Vera spends her time out
of the cage comforting me.  She's a sweet little kissy ferret, but she's
never been as attentive and snuggly as she's been the last few days.  My
heart aches for Bilbo but also for the hole he's left in the hearts of
his humans and his ferret friends.
Rest in peace, Bilbo.  You will always be loved on this earth as you are
at the bridge.
PS - When a child dies, it's so unfair.  My ferrets are my children, and
for that reason, my heart will always hurt.
Stephanie Gilbert * TriFL VP/Membership Chair/Librarian *
work: 919-962-1355 * http://www.trifl.org *
[Posted in FML issue 4311]