A question or two about ferret vaccines.  I make my appointments very
early in the morning and go 15 minutes earlier so they can be pretreated
with benadryl.  They are given their distemper shots and I stay about 20
minutes or so ( I live about 5 minutes away from my vet ).
I have had some ferrets in the past have reactions as late as 2-3 hours
later!  so your ferrets must be watched closely that day when given shots
and I suggest shots be given early in the day so you can keep an eye on
them and be able to get them back to your vet if there is a problem.
My question is, has a study been done to see how often a ferret really
needs these vaccines?  or how much vaccine is really needed for a ferret?
and is a ferret's dose the same as a cat or dog?  how long does the
vaccine last in their system?  curious.
[Posted in FML issue 4310]