This Saturday, Rocky's will have a table at the AFA sanctioned BFC show.
Come by and say hi to us!  Barry and Anita will have some candy for the
trick or treaters!
We will have a few of the Hagerstown kids there to make everyone's
acquaintance.  Many of these kids have not only grown to accept our love,
but seek our attention.  They've come so far!!!
We will have the nationally reknown ADV expert Danee Devore manning
Rocky's table in the afternoon.  So please come and bring your questions
and your concerns.
Rocky's will be making available to the public, United CEP test kits.
Accompanying the test kits with be a wonderful handout, a completely
illustrated "HOW TO" authored by Kim Sikorski.
There will be no charge for these kits!  Our gift to the community
is investment enough to stop this horrific virus in it's tracks by
identifying where it's at.  To quote Danee, "You don't know, unless you
test".  Got a positive and need a sympathetic ear, come talk to us.
There are options and avenues for you to take.  We are here to help!
We will also be accepting adoption applications.  Our requirement for
adoption is that each home produce documentation that it is current on
vacs and within 12 month CEP or send-in-the-spit AVECON testing.
Come sign my petition for legislation in Maryland to protect ferrets too!
I am so excited about introducing this new Bill!!!
Hoping you all stop by to say hi!
Barb Clay
832C Falls Rd.
Parkton, Md. 21120
Paypal:  [log in to unmask]
Legal updates soon.  Mum is the word here.  Must be.
[Posted in FML issue 4310]