Hey Hey Hey,
Sukie writes:
>Blood tests: CBC with Chem Panel (which includes checking her glucose
>levels to see if there may be insulinoma)
>A truly extreme case was Rinky Dink's and you can read about Rinky Dink
>in the FML Archives (See URL in the header of any day's FML.) or the FHL
One of the very first things that indicated that RinkyDink had EE was a
complete blood count in which she had a high number of eosiniphils in
her white blood cell count.  While this is not a true diagnostic for
eosiniphilic gastro entrieitis (the most severe form of ibd) it is a
really good indicator of its presence.
I would definitely change Sierra's food to a non chicken meat based baby
food.  First because it will be easeir for her to digest and it wont hurt
her if she is not allergic to a food product.  Either lamb or turkey
works well because you can get kibble made with those meats later.  Start
her out with the baby food by finger feeding her.  She may take some
convincing for awhile but she will take to it soon.  Put some on your
finger and insert it into the corner of her mouth.  Be persistant.
Not a vet, just RinkyDink's mom.
Karen and the Scruff You Gang
[Posted in FML issue 4309]