This is my first post.  Is everyone here aware that Marshall Farms also
sell ferrets to laboratories for scientific experiments.  They are the
same company out of New York.  I find it disturbing to see their one site
that promotes warm and fuzzy ferrets frolicking around and their other
one that describes how the Marshall ferret is an excellent research
model.  You cannot promote the welfare of the animal and then send it to
be poked and prodded by butchering scientists.
The ad for Marshall Ferrets is at this link
The Marshall Pet webpage here
Here is an advertisement for Marshall farms in a Lab animal journal
There are various other webpage's that describe experiments done on
Marshall Ferrets
Here is a link to boycott Marshall Farms
I don't know if this is a dead issue on this FML but someone posted
saying that Marshall Farms is not bad.  We can't have people out there
thinking that there is anything good about Marshall Farms.  Just to
remind everyone that they are not about the ferrets they are about the
profit that they can make from them, at the ferrets expense.
Sheila Garland
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"What is it that should trace the insuperable line? ...The question is
not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer?"
Jeremy Bentham, philosopher
[Posted in FML issue 4308]