I am going to tell a sad story, My Snow-Baby left me for the Rainbow
Bridge Monday night, she has been sick with a verity of things she was
also blind, but she kept going, she was a small albino female who only
lived with me a short time a little over 3 years but she managed to get
deep in my heart.
Anyways heres Snow-Babys story, When she came to me she was brought to me
by a trailor park manager, her and her 2 brothers, the nice people had
moved out and left her and her 2 brothers locked up in a closet, no food
or water or anything else, it was summer and the electricty had been off
for 2 of the 3 days and the park people had opened the trailor to clean
it, and when Snow-Baby and her brothers were found 1 of the boys was
dead, the manager of the park, being a friend of mine, knew I had
furbabies so he brought them to me, the other boy died 2 days later and
we, me and a very good vet, were able to save Snow-Baby, she was small,
dehidrated and very hungey, (I ask you what kind of people do things like
to these sweet animals, )
anyways Sandy please find Snowbaby and let her be happy and able to see
again so she can join in and play with the rest of the Mini- Monster
Gang, and tell Sherman-diddle 1 to take special care of her because she
was always a sweet and loving ferret, and never deserved the hard knocks
and hard times she got before she came to my home and heart, anyways me
and Daddy will miss her a lot, I am sorry I couldn't write sooner but
Snow-Baby was my little cuddle baby and I took her leaving hard and
couldn't write before now.
Frankie and the Mini-Monsters here on earth
missing one
[Posted in FML issue 4289]