- Z - :
The *chomp* does NOT necessarily have to follow the *lick* *lick* *lick*,
as my Bart will testify.  And, Bart has been licking me a lot lately,
too, with no *chomp*.  They are very smart, and a strict regiment of
cause-and-effect has given him new insight on the *chomp* part; he knows
that if he bites like that, he'll get scruffed, hissed at, put back in
the cage very abruptly (end of playtime) and get no treat (but he will
get to watch the other get her treat).  A few episodes of that, and he
no longer bites.  Yet, he has also figured out that if we are "playing
hands" (mock ferret nipping), that that is perfectly okay, and he even
keeps that under control.  It's almost as if a little play biting helps
get it out of his system.  And, if he gets too rough, gently holding the
lower jaw works as a reminder of who's in charge.
Meanwhile, Victoria has licked me thousands of times, but NEVER bites at
all; she just isn't inclined to bite like that.  I wonder what makes them
so different?  The only times she has ever "bitten" was when *I* got in
the way of their play; she does bite Bart and they can get quite rough.
Otherwise, she just doesn't bite. :o)
[Posted in FML issue 4308]