We are doing great!  Not only did we have the generator, we had a
portable room air conditioner so the ferrets lived in luxury (73 degrees)
while the rest of the house sweltered at 83!
The winds were incredible - and I have pictures of the storm as it
pounded the bay...awesome.  The flooding was much worse across the street
from us thankfully...and we only received 4 inches of rain, instead of
the projected 10..winds topped off at about 82 mph here...
The house had no damage and power came on after about 43 hours so we
weathered it well..I highly recommend these portable room a/c units - its
free sta nding and has a hose that vents to the outside..the generator
was big enough to power a small tv, our fridge, laptop, room a/c, phone
and our neighbor's fridge...we found gasoline friday morning to keep the
generator running until we had power restored...
and now..to the rest of the story...
So while relaxing in the a/c - (YAY we got power on at about 6 saturday
morning) the phone rings.
This woman found a ferret behind the Central Library in VB Wednesday
night, before the hurricane hit..and had been taking care of her
since..but she had a 'gaping wound' on her foot and needed care..
I call the emergency clinic..yes they are on generators, but open.  I
arrange to have the woman meet me at the emergency vet.  Kim the finder
of said ferret says she's been eating food but didn't know what to do for
her and while buying food at the Petsmart this evening mentioned the
ferret - and they gave her my number.
Shes a sweet *tiny* dark eyed white.  Probably about 4.  Terribly skinny
- maybe 3/4ths of a pound.  Adrenal - missing the hair on her butt - and
on her right front leg a horrible looking huge papilloma...about the size
of my thumb.  Looks like someone took part of a brain and attached it to
her leg.  Its probably not malignant but I haven't seen anything like it
before..its on the leg, not the paw.  I am thinking that it is a
sebaceous epithelioma, but we have to wait until the regular vet opens
She's also dehydrated and they were able to do some blood tests - and
they are keeping her overnight for IV fluids...the vet was impressed by
how feisty she was and said she will be fine after getting the fluids
and nutrients in her body overnight.
Her name?  Isabel of course.
What pisses me off is that someone turned her loose or lost her before
the storm..and left this tiny little girl to fend for herself in 80+ mph
winds and 4 inches of rain..if Kim hadn't found her, she would not have
I don't have pics yet - I should have them when we pick her up tomorrow
I still have the 2 ferrets riding things out at the SPCA that we are
picking up on Monday...sheesh.  I checked on them today and the SPCA
made it fine through the storm.
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"
[Posted in FML issue 4277]