My almost 1 year old girl, Rascal, has just been diagnosed with both
of these!  I can find plenty of info about lymphoma, but hardly none
about the leukemia in ferrets.  Is there anyone out there that has any
experience with this?  My vet is going to aggressively treat with pred.
She is not a candidate for any surgery.  She is extremely anemic and he
and I both hope that her bone marrow has not been completely depleted.
He tells me that if we get pull her out of her anemia, she could live a
good quality of life until the leukemia would come out of remission
again.  He has seen some live up to 2 years past the initial diagnosis.
If anyone has any info on leukemia, please let me know.  You can post it
here(you might also help more than just me that way), or you can email
me at [log in to unmask]
Thank you!
[Posted in FML issue 4276]