Ok... you all being nice so I wright.
It waz a preety day.  We waz on vacation and I wanted ta go have some
fun.  Mommy told me not ta wander off but I no hear.  Not my fault!  She
not hold onto me tight.
So, I find this big ole' ship and you know what?  Yep, I climbed up and
went on my little vacation.
I know I shouldn't have, but it just so fun.  I love fun
Dhere was a lot of stuf ta play wit too.  Oh boy oh boy you shoulda seen
me smilin big an preety.
I no take the ridin box up the levels though caz dhat scare me!  I take
da stares all da way..  dhat a long way to go too.  No one stop me
either.  I no let dhem catch me!
I got up top and out onto da dec I dhink its called.  I could see mi
mommie out dhere.  She looked like she waz waving but I couldn't wave
back cauz the stupid life boat I was hiding in kept movin on me!
Dhen someone opened da life boat cover and dhey found me.  So I jumped
on da guy and onto the back of another guy dhat was bent over lookin on
da ground like he done lost something.  I got off him right before he
screamed.  Scared the poop out of me... really it did.  He wasnt to happy
with dhat!
So I run inside and down all dhem stairs again.  I lost dhem.  Peepole so
funny.  Dhey get lost easy.
I get to da bottom and I see all of this great cool stuff.  I dhink it's
a playground for us ferrets.  There are tubes everywhere.  What a blast I
had running around all da tubes.  But lots of dhem were closed so I no
After playin I gots hunry.  I sniff to da kitchen.  I almos gots in
trouble cause someone caught me using da potty.  Well I thought that the
big smelly thing in da basket looked funny for litter but dhey worked.  I
used it and dhen ran.  I heard da guy say dhat dhey had ta throw all da
potatoes out now.  Well duh, what else ya gonna do with litter!  Dhey
must knot know about ferrets!
Anyways I didn't find nothin ta eat.  All "fancy food" as momma would
call it.  So I decided dhat I needed ta go home.
When I finally figured out how ta get out to da ramp someone grabed me
and yelled "I found it!"   Well first of all I not an IT.  I'm a boy.
and secondly I found him!  why peepole no understand when ya tell dhem
stuff.  I was gonna bite him but I saw momma and she'd be mad if I bit
him so I dont.
She give me loves and kisses and FOOD.  I love food.
I only got one question.  Who else uses potatoe litter?  and why would
ya?  dhey don't feel good and smell funny.
[Posted in FML issue 4275]