some of u may remember me writing about a ferret that was dropped off in
front of my work and i rescued him he was 8.5 now he's 2 1/2 LB
well ive been trying to get him socialized with my other 3 but nothing
works they try to smell him but when they get near him he sucks air in
and than bites ive been trying for 3 months now.  outside there fine and
right after a bath there fine till there a dry than its bite fest all
over again ive done everything i know and what THE BOOK says (ferrets
for dummies of course) how can i ever get them too be friends or is there
no way
If anyone can help ill do anything I love them all and he seems so lonely
in his own cage!
Erika, panic, jug, flaz, and slim
[Posted in FML issue 4274]