Pherit wanna tell ya all bout my cruz but mommi wont let me cauze she say
you all fightin.  She say I no post til I can read it too.  She no let me
read it when people mad.
Pleaze no be mad at anyone.  I luv every 1.  I be good.  So if you be
good 2 then I can wright more.
There is just so much ta talk about ... like why peepole laugh when we
bounce inta a wall?  Or that peepole worri when we out having fun... or
when we slepin, but dhey get mad if we wake dhem up in the middle of da
nite.  Gezze!
So, you play nice and let me wright soon.  I miss you all.  You all
helped me out by supportin the card drive stuff for ADV Research.  You
all wonderful peepole .  I no see why u always so mad.  I not mad.  Not
even now.  I love you.  I do I do!
Here comez mommi...better fly!
[Posted in FML issue 4273]