Ever seen TV and heard the phrase "Lets give it to mikey...He'll eat it"
they then go on to say "Look Mikey likes it!"
Well lets just say that has been the complete opposite story with my
Mikey.  The first time I gave Mikey his dose of Clindamycin the other
day, I ended up wearing Most of it...The water appearance was nothing
like Mikey thought he was going to get...I think he was looking forward
to the cephalexin (pink stuff) he's usually been getting.
At first, I scruffed him, and his little nose started sniffing like crazy
trying to smell that sweet smell of the pink stuff, only to be met by a
foul smell of a nail polish type odor...He sensed something was going
terribly wrong, and he crossed his front paws that were supposed to be
limp, and started fliping them up and down like a little fish in the
water trying to get away.  I somehow managed to squirt the first taste in
his mouth and all hell broke loose.  He hissed, then screamed at me, and
I let him down for a few seconds...He lept off the bed and dove straight
under the dresser where I could hear him cackling and spitting, and
trying to throw up the nasty medicine that I so rudely put in his
Majesty's mouth.
I rolled my eyes, and snatched the ferretone bottle, and coaxed the sly
weasel out from under the dresser...Let's try this again, I said... With
my right hand scruffing him, and my left hand holding down his swimming
fish feet, and the syringe in my mouth, I managed to squirt the last few
drops in his mouth.  He was squirming and hissing so much, I nearly
dropped him on my bed, I placed him down, and He started cackling, and
pawing at his mouth...He made a bee line for my pillow, and spat up some
medicine on it, then went under the covers and started rubbing his chin
on the bed like he just had a dose of ferretone, only this time he wasnt
trying to lick it back up.  He THEN had the nerve to come back up to me
expecting a treat...boy did he ever get one :) Bananna flavored Yogurt...
Since that first dose, he's held a small grudge about 30 minutes after I
give him his medicine.  Today, I was sitting at my computer, and he comes
up to my leg, sits on his back feet, and proceeds to claw my leg like a
cat does to a scratching post with catnip in it.  I picked him up and
held him to my face and asked him what he wanted... and he gave me a
kiss.  That meant the world to me because The last time he gave me one
was the day before he got into the chemicals on the boot...So I'm happy
to say he is doing a lot better.  There is almost no swelling on his
chin/mouth and he doesn't tremble when he opens his mouth (maybe once or
twice but nothing compared to last week)But just because he's feeling
better doesn't mean he gets out of another dose of the evil medicine...
muahahahaha :)
-valerie, mikey, kokie, jack, buckie, and rosie
~*~*~ VALERIE ~*~*~
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~*`~*`FERRETS RULE~`*~`*
Missing Noodles at the Rainbow Bridge
[Posted in FML issue 4273]