Well I feel as though my soul has been ripped from me, because all that
is left is a big empty void.  About 2 weeks ago Ben & Jerry crossed the
Ben had been riddled with adrenal and insulinomia.  I could not keep his
BG regulated and he would seize, several times I brought him back..  I
found him lifeless, but still alive and made the decision that this was
not fair for him- he was not longer playing, just sleeping.  He seized
the whole way to the vets.  I was with him when they helped him cross.
Jerry had coccidia and then heliobacter virus, no matter what we put him
on nothing worked and he was in so much pain.  He was originally a 4lb
ferret and died weighing less than 1lb.  He stopped eating and stopped
playing- I knew it was time.  I also was with him when they helped him
cross.  Ben & Jerry where cage mates since they where kits and I think
the stress of Ben's passing just made him loose the will to live.
Well they are together again, just not with me.  Now unfortunately my
oldest ferret, Schnapps, who has adrenal and Insol.  is starting to cry
out in pain and is refusing to play with anyone and is starting to refuse
baby food.  I feel so bad for him, because I know he is mourning.  I give
him extra attention, but it does not seem to help.  I will have to wait
and see what God has planned.
Remember every moment is precious, keep them close to your heart and even
closer to your soul.
Lisa & her 24 18 paws
[Posted in FML issue 4273]