[Moderator's note: What follows is a long (it was originally posted in
two highly compressed parts) and tedious post attempting to analyze Kim's
post of a couple of days ago where Kim reported her dog attacked Stacie,
one of her (Kim's) ferrets.  While it's not really a "flame" by my
standards, it borders on one, although Lynn certainly makes some good
points and earns the right to express them.  So if you enjoy a good ""she
said", "I said", "she said", "I now say"" type post, read on.  I know
some people would rather skip such things, so if you fall into that
category, you can stop reading now since this is the last post of today's
I asked:
>your dog is not "fond of the ferrets."  If that is true 0the WHY in
>Heaven's Name is that Dog near the ferrets?!! ...
 Because in your initial post you wrote:
>My dog has never been fond of the ferrets.  She's very territorial
>over toys and she steals their goody boxes and guards them growling
>and charging them off if they come near.  She has never bitten one or
>tried to cause harm"
You responded:
>The dog is near the ferrets because she has never tried to hurt any of
>them.  She even lets them drink and eat from her bowl.  They share goody
>time amicably together.  The dog , Snapshot is her name by the way, even
>exhibits concern for them, running to them and giving a concerned Woof
>when they are squabbling.
**I have always had dogs and cats, the ferrets in my home are a fairly
recent additions( over the last 3 years).  I know my dogs and cats, I
know what they may be capable of given provication like a nip or having a
favorite toy stolen by a ferret, so I do watch.  It may be different for
a dog who has been raised around ferrets from puppyhood, but a dog can
snap.  For that very reason my dogs and ferrets were always kept a close
eye on, with me near by.  If a dog of mine had ever shown any agression
towards a ferret, I would give that dog a 'Ferret-Free room' where the
dog would feel safe and there would be no danger to any animal.  Snapshot
sounds like a wonderful dog, but given what you have written in your
posts she can not always be trusted around the ferrets.
**You stated:
>I am happy to report that Stacie was doing well> She is for all
>intensive purposes back to normal, I'd guess at 96%.
I'm very happy to read this.  I hope Stacie continues to improve and can
get back to 100% soon.
**Your initial post:
>They put Stacie on Oxygen and prednisone and kept her the night.  I
>only got to visit with her about 15 minutes before I was told I had
>been with her "long enough".  Can you imagine that?  I'd been with her
>long enough.  But I had been.  I had been with her long enough to have
>an excellent communication with her.
I said:
>I have a hard time understand that a good vet would make you leave the
>room claiming you "had been there long enough." No I simply Can Not
>"imagine that".  Which vet was this Kim?  I would love to give them a
>piece of my mind for the inconsideration that you speak of.
and you responded:
>You can "imagine it" because it happened,..after I protested that I
>wanted more time with her,...they told me that she should be back in
>the oxygen tank...I feel that they were acting in her best interests
>even though I didn't want to let her go.
My point: The implication that I read in your typed words that I received
was that you were treated rudely in a heartbreaking situation.  That is
where the 'piece of my mind' would be coming from.  Falls Road is an
Excellent vets office with loving and caring staff members.  I also did
say,"Unless a surgical proceedure was about to begin or they were closing
for the night."
I said:
>Irresponsibility caused Stacie's grave injuries and the possible mental
>disability, seems to me that you would have to make that much more time
>to care for her and beg her forgiveness for the attack.
and you responded:
>I realize that I am ultimately responsible for anything that goes on
>under my roof, however, I had no reason to think that Snapshot would
>ever harm my ferrets and therefore do not feel that my "irresponsibility"
>was the cause.  If there is a point you are trying to make here, I don't
>get it.  I am taking steps to get Snapshot's mood tomellow,..a pet
>relaxant possibly.
My point: You had mentioned in your fisrt post about how Snapshot, "She's
very territorial over toys and she steals their goody boxes and guards
them growling and charging them off if they come near." Again, I would
bring up the point of a 'Ferret-free' room.  Dogs, by nature, are very
protective and territorial.  The ferrets are clearly invading Snapshots
territory.  A safe place, all her own, would calm the situation, IMO.
pet relaxants could and would alter her personality and not solve the
I had said:
>I am not discounting the reality of 'Animal Communicators' but Kim WHY
>Didn't you 'hear' Stacie?!  As she was crying out that the dog was going
>to get her?!  Do you hear her lamenting her absent Mom?  asking "why"
>this had to happen?
You responded:
>It would be terribly irresponsible to discount that which you can not
>even begin to comprehend... which evidently includes some basic math
>skills here.  Even if Stacie had "cried out", I could not have responded
>in time to prevent the accident unless you know of a way I could make it
>across the room in less than one second.
My point: As I said, "I am not discounting" the realities of ACs.  I
believe we all have the abilities to communicate with the animals that
share our home.  Maybe my "basic math skills" are lacking and there was
not enough time to hear Stacies cries for help, but what about hearing
Snapshot's possible thoughts of animosity?  Her "growling" and "charging"
at the ferrets would have been like a neon sign for me.  My dogs had
always responded to a command, a strong No may have prevented the
accident, or an area all Snapshots own.
I said:
>Are you using or selling the magnets for your personal ferrets?
You responded:
>All of my ferrets, rescue or personal are "my babies".  There is no
>separation of emotion between rescues and personals.  It's a term of
>endearment.  What are you trying to prove by dissecting the terminology
>I use?  What difference would it make if she was "my personalferret"
My point: I simply asked a question.  Why so defensive on this?
You also said:
>You are obviously not that familiar with donating to rescues or you
>wouldn't need to ask this question.  Hmmmmmmmmm, since donations are
>always accepted directly by my vet, that seems to be one very obvious
>and certain way to be sure funds are being spent appropriately.....how
>many times has this been said on the list?
My point: Wow!  Talking about something that is no ones business or not
of your concern!  Kim, let me ask you how many times you have been up to
some of the local shelters to lend a hand or just to see what is going
on.  I am familiar with donating to shelters and not only with $$$ but
with my time.  I have written here about my experiences with the
Hagerstown and Wolfsville rescues, in those posts I have asked and
begged for more local folks to visit, help out and dispell rumors.  How
often have you been there?  You mention rumors that you have heard from
'valueable sources' yet I have never seen or heard of you going over
there to check it out.  You live close, closer than I do and closer than
the supporters that have driven more than once from NC or the folks from
Texas, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey.
>It is better to remain quiet and thought to be a fool than to open your
>mouth and remove all doubt.  Pooflingers .ugh."
Nice ending Kim.  Yes, I am a Pooflinger and dang proud of it.  See
it is Pooflinger's members who are doing alot of fundraising for the
Hagerstown/Wolfsville Rescues.  As they have for many other rescues
across the country.  It's many Pooflingler's who are making the long
drives and flying those friendly skies to be there to help.  They live
all over and may never have the oppertunity to see the good that they
have done but are still helping.  I'm one of the lucky Pooflingers, I
live in Northern Va and I can make the drive in under an hour and a half
to help.  I drive through Baltimore to get there.  Do you need a ride?
Yes, Kim "Pooflingers.  ugh".  A PROUD member who will speak the truth
and give my time and $$$ to those in need.
Lynn with the Ferrets of the Love Zoo
Irish, Darlin Daisy Do, Nosferreteau, Miss Maisie, Sugimon, Gracie,
Emily, Dizzy-Isabella, Yogi Bear and Boo-Boo
[Posted in FML issue 4271]