I would like to thank you for your post on allergies and asthma.I
developed allergies and severe asthma late in life ( my forties).I
already had ferrets.  There is great controversy about asthma and
allergies regarding ferrets.
Whether it be the dust and other particles clinging to their fur ,
dander,whole males etc.  is immaterial to me.The only thing that is
important to me is that I sometimes wheeze,have chest pain, must increase
medicines such as prednisone and have difficulty taking a breath.
I know there are cases of allergies and asthma being psychosomatic.I
know the allergy excuse is a biggie in giving up pets.I know also that
regardless of the controversy I have had several asthma attacks that
were more than mere discomfort.  I have been rushed to the ER ,intubated
and found myself in a life threatening situation more than once.  These
medical crisis were not triggered only by my ferrets, but having ferrets
in the home does not help my particular situation.The ferrets only
compound an asthmatic reaction to allergen sensitivities in dust,mites,
pollution,mold,dander, etc. etc.
My pulmonologist thinks I am nuts and encourages me to " get rid of the
pollutants".  However I love my little "pollutants "and do the best I can
to keep them as part of my family.
I cannot assume everyone can or will make the same sacrifices I do.To
live peacably with ferrets and allergies I have to go to some lengths.
When i clean out the cage, my eyes sting and itch for hours.  I must
repeatedly use antihistimine eye drops rest of the day.  The drops cost
I must take proventil inhaler after cleaning the cage or having the
ferrets near my face for prolonged periods or I wheeze.Wheezing in
asthmatics can easily spiral out of control ( meds or no meds) to a full
blown attack and ER hospitalization.The side effects of proventil for
some is a racing heart and sweats.
I have learned what my personal limits and warning signs are.
When I handle my ferrets a lot ( and i do) I must change clothes and wash
my hands or I break out in very itchy hives.  This means tons of laundry.
Possibly more meds rest of the day.The meds make you sleepy and hazy.
If the ferrets nap/play on my bed I must change linens before i go to
bed.  If i do not ,I cough on and off all night.More laundry and another
dose of antihistimines and proventil.
Every day I must damp mop the ALL floors or I itch and wheeze.More work,
more discomfort,more medicine with it's side effects.
When I bathe my ferrets my eyes swell up for a while .  More meds, a
change of clothes, a shower myself,more laundry,annoying discomfort.
Shedding season is a nightmare of scratching , itchy watery eyes and
tight breathing .
If I have to take them to the vet, I might as well call 911 before i go
and tell them to wait outside for me.An office full of dander equals the
rest of the day on a nebulizer and swollen itchy eyes..
I have thought about giving them away but i will hang in there with this
routine because it works for me and I love them.I balance out my risk,
the joy they give me and have come up with this way of living with it.
This works for me , this does not work for everyone.
Who am I to second guess an individuals tolerance for discomfort or
willingness to accept life threatening consequences to keep a pet.Not
everyone can keep to a cleaning regimine like this, afford so much
medicine, have the medicine work for them,cope with the side effects,take
so many measures.
As a mother ,I certainly would not second guess someones decision for
their child's allergy or asthma.
I am tired of being looked at skeptically for my medical condition, as if
i am being a big baby who can't cope with a runny nose and a case of the
itchies.  I am tired of being compared to someone someone else and being
told, "well so and so has asthma and lives with ferts just fine"
Reaction triggers are very specific, and severity of reaction is very
specific.It runs the gamut from mild ,occasional discomfort to medical
For anyone who believes an asthmatic is being a big baby about pets, or
a psychosomatic neurotic, go visit an emergency room and SEE someone in
a full blown attack.  Then we can discuss your willingness to live with
this possibility.
Asthma can and does kill.You can make choices for yourself.  You should
not deride anyone elses choice.
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[Posted in FML issue 4271]