Oh Adder, what a big can of worms you have.  I think next to religion
and politics the smoking issue is right up there.
I do believe smoking causes all the nasty things "they" say it does.
They being the doctors and even makers of said cancer sticks.  I agree
that ferrets constantly have their noses in dust and such that can
clog their little noses and lungs, but by smoking you add yet another
pollutant that must be filtered, thus taxing their systems even more.
Second hand smoke is just as deadly as the firsthand.  You have made a
decision to use the drug as is your right, but it should not be forced on
others.  Many forward thinking cities here in Texas have banned smoking
within all public locations except in designated areas.  Hopefully that
trend will continue.  Don't get me wrong, when I waited tables, I loved
smokers.  That was my area.  They stay longer, spend and tip better than
others.  I always figured it was just because they were already throwing
their money away, why not give a little more.  My biggest complaint (and
ultimately what got me fired) was my refusal to serve women who brought
infants into the smoking area.  Here again, it's not the babies choice.
In summary, smoke bad, even for ferrets.
I do agree we have too many taxes, but of the ones you mentioned, I'd
only be affected by the chocolate tax (mmmm, chocolate, ahhhh...)  That
tax you mentioned on SUVs would only be to appease the public.  The oil
industry loves the gas guzzlers too much.  Besides, a smart CPA can show
you how to by an SUV for you "business" and write the whole thing off.
Why do you think there are so many businesses with Hummers?
Wow, I'm sure I'll catch flack for that, but it was worth it.
About adoptions.  I whole heartedly agree that we should adopt if at
all possible.  But it's understandable why people still purchase.  I am
looking to adopt.  We live in a very large city (Dallas/Fort Worth).  So
far I have had one response near home and one from way down south from
our friends in Austin and San Antonio.  It seems to me that the bulk of
displaced ferrets are up in the New England area or over in Washington
State.  However there is a Petco nearby that has "discounted" their older
ferrets.  If I was really impetuous I'd just go get one of those, but I
can wait.  If you read this and know of a Ferret (preferably male) near
Fort Worth, TX we're still looking.  Thank you.
James, Melissa, Kassidy & Jasmine
Loving:  Bebe, Riley
Missing: Wheezer, Pym, Rikki, Jako
[Posted in FML issue 4269]