Hi everyone!  I need an opinion on something.  Has anyone ever had a
ferret with just a flu or tummy ache?  My little boy Tiki has been
sleeping a lot in the past day and hasn't been playing like usual.  He's
been sleeping and moping.  He is usually my most playful one (i have 4 in
all) always getting into things and stealing everyones raisins.  He
becomes a gremlin (after midnite when fed) when the raisins come out and
usually steals them from the others!!  Now he won't even eat them.  His
stool is loose and kind of liquidy green color.  I wondered at first if
it was from too much ferretone he had but then it continued this am.All
those symptoms.  He seems to still be eating and drinking ..  but not
sure what this could be..  any ideas?
I'm going to the vets tomorrow, not for that reason, my dog has fleas
but that's another story... so need to have the whole family treated.  I
dont' think this is related.  I will ask the vet to check Tiki out for
this flu or whatever he has..
God help me if it's anything serious!  I just lost one of my wee ones
2 months ago and i'm still heartbroken.  His name was Binky and he had
juvenile lymphoma.  It just tore my heart apart.  I did adopt another one
from the shelter but of couse no fuzzy can be replaced..  there is always
that small hole in your heart from each one that has crossed over to
rainbow bridge..  I know I know he's playing with all the fuzzies that
are there and having a grand old time...
anyways..  any ideas on Tiki?
Dooks to ya all..
[Posted in FML issue 4269]