It's been a heartbreaking week.  Tuesday evening I took Otis to our vet
to help him leave our realm.  Otis was 7-8 yrs old, wasting, renal
failure and blind.  Awhile after I got home that evening he heard me and
started making airy noises which quickly turned to screams.  I quickly
picked him up, gave him pain meds and dexamethasone and held him till he
quieted, only he didn't stay quiet.  I called the vet (after hours) and
scheduled to meet him there in an hour (it's an hour drive for us).  Otis
was released from his old and ailing body and joins his companion Milo
who left a few weeks ealier.
Wednesday I took Bubba and Fatso in for adrenal surgery.  This would be
Bubba's second.  Bubba was a big boy at 4.1 lbs.  A happy ferret, content
with a few cuddles and a little one on one bouncy playtime.  Bubba was
bald except for his face and ankles.  I'd had him on melatonin and
lupron.  Bubba made it through surgery.  A large walnut size right
adrenal growth, a liver lobe, and a section of vena cava was removed.
Bubba came home with a very sad look in his eyes.  Bubba refused to eat,
something he'd never done before.  Yesterday Bubba left us, before his
time.  Bubba joined his companions Otis and Milo.
I thought the surgery would help him.... instead my decision caused his
early death.  For those that question my thoughts, it was my decision for
surgery, these little ones trust in me, and I made the wrong decision,
even though it was made with good intent.  I accept it, and I will deal
with it.
Fatso had fur loss on his belly, back feet, and behind his neck.  When
Larry went in he found two perfect adrenals all the way around.  No
discoloration, no enlargement, no growths.  I took him in too soon.
sigh.  Fatso is recovering but not speaking to me.... I understand.
Please, in memory of our boys, spend a little extra loving/playing time
with your little ones.  You never know when they won't be here tomorrow.
hugs to all. tle
Troy Lynn Eckart, F.B.S.
Ferret Family Services
Please sign up to support our efforts
[Posted in FML issue 4269]