[Moderator's note: mainly off-topic, but does have some ferret relevance.
If you have a story about second-hand smoke in ferret please feel free
to post too.  BIG]
OK, now you non-smokers can blame us smokers for all your ills but boy
am I putting my foot down when you say it's a smoker that caused your
ferret to have asthma.  You ever watch a ferret?  they go around with
their nose in the carpet , all that dust, all that epithelial matter and
no to mention that smoke travels upward so get off so smokers backs , we
pay more in gov.  taxes than any other group ( a pack costs $4.50 which
equates to $4.00 in taxes that go to every charity with a hand out
especially welfare.  So be glad because when the smokers are gone they
will come after your vice, coffee (about to have a 10 cent tax per cup
added in Washington) wine beer and spirits (already being pushed thru the
CA legislature, silently) SUV's (they are working on a tax just for you
road pigs) fat tax (already in place in UK ?) sugar tax (sounds like why
we fought those revolutionary wars - number one commodity to be taxed)
Chocolate tax (still working on that one as cocoa goes into so may items)
not to mention a plethora of other tax ideas in the works so you get your
jollies out of blaming smokers for the worlds ills , soon you and your
double Chocolate latte will have a 10 cent coffee tax, a 10 cent sugar
tax , a 10 cent fat tax 10 cent chocolate tax not top mention the 20 cent
paper tax for the cup, the added expense of the lawsuit levied for a fool
who decided to dump hot coffee on himself and found a stupid enough judge
to pass the blame on to the coffee house for 10 million, then there is
the waste tax for picking up the cup (including the union payoff money
added in ) and the little stir straw that is now taxed as it causes
pigeons to chook , then the tax just because it would fly thru and nobody
notices , that would be the mayors re-election tax and so on, and so on.
The World is being taxed to death, did I mention the death tax?
DeathAdder ( a smoker )
[Posted in FML issue 4268]