I was searching the internet and came across an ad for a ferret.  After
talking with the owner I discovered that the owner really cares for the
ferret but due to allergies she cannot keep the ferret (she had a ferret
as a child and never had allergies so she didn't think she would this
She would like to place her in an approved forever home.  She would
rather NOT send her to a shelter if she can help it.
Her name is Sugar.  She is sable, and just under a year old.  She is
still real young and very playful.
Please only email the owner if you are in the area and interested in
giving Sugar a forever home.  The owners name is Jonilla and her email
address is [log in to unmask]  She is really heart broken about having
to give her up.  But trying to play with her is causing Jonilla allergic
reactions and because of that, Sugar is not out much.
She comes with her cage and food.  She is not asking for any money for
her, just to find her a good forever home where she will be loved and
played with for the rest of her life.
Thank you,
(if you have any problems contacting the owner please let me know)
Joanne Ruffner
Ferret Corner Shelter
"Ferrets are the Spice of Life"
There's a pot of Ferret Love at the end of the Rainbow
[Posted in FML issue 4268]