Hello my dear friends!  It's been a super busy week at the shelter and
i've got lots to tell ya!  Dylan is on the cover of Sep/Oct Ferrets USA!
He's soooo cute!
Mr. Mugs not well.  He had surgery to drain two tumor-like growths and 2
skin tumor removals.  He had a reaction to surgery and has been keeping
auntie Paige on her toes.
Boddington is hanging in.  We got the news from his pathology this week
and were shocked to find out he has something similar to what i, Harley
had.  It's not Actinomyces, but its cousin.  This bacteria is what could
have been causing his neurological symptoms for the last while.  He's got
a long road to recovery, but i know he can do it, just as i did.
Stony (Jared) was adopted this week into a great home.  Mommie will miss
kissing him, but he's all good and settled in a new, loving home!
Vincenzo & Alexa came in on Thursday.  Alexa is healthy and beautiful,
but poor Vincenzo!  He just didn't look right to mommie.  As it turned
out, he has adrenal disease AND a bladder blockage.  His owner fed him
CAT FOOD!  NOT good for a little guy.  He's been in the hospital since
Friday with his sister keeping him company.  We're all real worried about
him and hope he pulls through.
Also on Thursday another little girl came in.  She is very feisty but is
getting along with our big play group and holding her ground.  She loves
to be held and cuddled.
Chadame came in this week on Saturday.  He's a young, very cute boy.  All
of the shelter volunteers misread his real name on his surrender form.
His real name *was* Chrome but Chadame stuck with him (poor kid).  Mommie
just kisses the crap outta the poor guy, thinking she's making up for the
name change <yuck!>.
The shelter construction began this week.  mommie asked me to thank
Jolanta, Kev, Mark & Sandy, Mick, Matt & Kim, Uncle Jim (especially since
he was roped into helping at the last minute!), Paige, Melissa, Katrina,
Jen & if mommie forgot to tell me someone, i apologize, she's working on
no sleep for over a week!
Grandma's room was cleared out, the carpet was ripped up, the 1/2 wall
built and the painting begun!  mommie also held a yard sale at the same
time with the help of Melissa, Karen & auntie Paige!  Last weeks yard
sale at Paige's raised over $600!  Good work!  Mommie's sale didn't quite
compare, but it was a good way to get rid of stuff that wasn't needed at
the shelter.
Over the next week or so, the construction will continue and hopefully be
done by mid-September.  We're still looking for volunteers to help build
a staircase to the new entrance of the "Ferret Room".
Please keep Echo in your thoughts.  He's auntie Katrina's kid.  He's at
the U of Guelph emergency and not doing great, but holding his own.
Please hold him in your thoughts for a speedy recovery.
Next weekend (Sat. Sep. 6th), along with more renovations at the shelter,
some of our volunteers will be featured at "Ride for Pets".  It's a
motorcycle ride to raise money for many different animal shelters in
Ontario and we're proud and honored to be a part of this year's event.
For more information, please visit our web site under "events".
Love always, Harley "Bug"
Randy Melanie Belair
The Ferret Aid Society
"For The Love of Our Fuzzy Friends"
[Posted in FML issue 4257]