I have just joined the list and saw the letter where somebody was worried
about taking an elderly ferret to the vet, so thought that i would share
my experience of the other week with you...My 11 year old hob was
diagnosed with testicular cancer and the first vet that I saw was very
negative about opperating on him,but thhe senior partner was next door
and when he heard me asking what the alternative was..ie watching my
beloved old friend dying, he offered to opperate on the old man himself
as he had known Malcom for all of his 11 years.
Needless to say,when the day of the op came, I was a gibbering wreck and
had fed him all his favourite treats as his last meal,fearing that at
least he was being given a chance,but not a great one....Well, a few
weeks on I now have a healthy cancer free ferret,who is bouncing around
like a youngster!  So please don't give up hope....
[Posted in FML issue 4263]