Maybe I missed something here....
>Ok rant over, so what have we learned with this exercise,, feral cats
>are good, ferrets bad,,...
What does feeling that all of God's creatures have the right to life have
to do with making one think that we hate another?  I personally LOVE
ferrets...don't know how I ever lived my life without them.  I do my
part to help eliminate more crowding of the feral cat population by
volunteering at and capturing for my local feral cat program.  But who
is actually given the right to decide that feral cats have no rights and
should be killed?
Like I said, maybe I missed something here.  I'm not attacking anyone
or anything here, just making certain that you realize that just because
I volunteer to help spay and neuter feral cats does not mean I don't
support the causes to make ferrets legal where they are not, and many
other causes that I feel are important because of some not "knowing"
enough about a praire dog killing will finish off the BFF
population!  There are soooo many great causes to support out there....
keep in mind....ALL of them seem to have 1 goal in common: to keep things
ALIVE, not to kill them.
[Posted in FML issue 4262]