Alexandra, I work in a hospital (inpatient) pharmacy, and yes, those drug
reps are on a par with used car salesmen, for sure!  But I do like the
lunches they provide...
I'm gonna hafta tell my director that we gotta get the Avodart people
in...I want a squeezie prostate!  I'm just used to the usual drug
'schwag', too...pens, notepads, i.d. badge stretchy things *boring*.
But a squeezie prostate?  That *is* marketing genius!  LOL!  Loved your
story about both your coworker's and the ferret's antics.  I'm forwarding
it to some of my friends who think I'm the only wacky ferret-person out
there.  They gotta get out more! ;)
And Angela, the Monistat idea,? ROTFLMAO!
Dweezil, Razzle, Monty-boo and Jezebel
[Posted in FML issue 4262]