carolyn johnson <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Shelby, one of my older furries has a major problem.  He has lost all
>of his guard hairs as the vet calls them and I call them him outer long
>coat.  This was just beautiful and sleek until a month ago and now all
>he has is his undercoat.  He is not bald and get this--his tail is
>perfect-- no loss of hair there.
While this may be a symptom of an adrenal problem (I do not know), it may
also just be an odd coat change pattern.  I have had a few ferrets do
this - change the undercoat gradually and after that is done, suddenly
loose all their guard hairs.  And, when this has happened, it has usually
been a few weeks before the guard hairs start to grow back.
Hopefully this is what Shelby is doing.  Try looking under the undercoat
fur at the skin - is there any sign of a new coat coming in?  If Shelby
has dark colored guard hairs, a darkening of the skin will indicate that
the new guard hairs are getting ready to start coming in.
I have also had instances where ferrets have blown their entire coat in
the matter of a few days.  With mine, it has always been whole hobs that
do this.  Then, I have a bald ferret for a week or 2 until the coat
starts to come back.
I hope whatever is going on with Shelby is nothing more serious then
changing to a winter coat.
ADV - If your ferret hasn't been tested, you don't know!
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[Posted in FML issue 4261]