I'm not getting involved in the "he said, she said", but I'd like to be
allowed to make this correction... and add a small commentary not related
to the debate.  Thanks!
Lisa <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>1. Di wouldn't have a reason to "show" her ferrets if she wasn't allowed
>to, they should never have been prize winners.
The correction:
Di Bachman WAS banned from showing at LIFE shows after she dumped ferrets
onto a bunch of shelters back in 1997 or 1998 (sorry I don't remember the
exact year) in a smaller scale but similar situation as this last one.
LIFE shows also refused advertising money from her after this event.  As
an FYI, one group was not allowed to run a LIFE show because they would
not agree to not accepting her registrations.
The commentary:
That said, before this all came about, her ferrets did win at many LIFE
shows.  I personally judged many of her ferrets, and many were beautiful
animals--you never would have guessed the situation they were in.  DB was
not the only one to "fool the world", there were and still are many
people out there who keep ferrets in deplorable conditions but manage to
have beautiful ferrets to show.  Rollen Mason (NJ Christmas Rescue) was
another.  It happens, it's going to happen.  I'm sure it crosses into dog
and cat shows as well.  Regretfully, politics as they are, it's a hard
thing to stop.
The best thing I can advise is that people DO NOT BUY FERRETS AT FERRET
SHOWS.  Know who you are buying from.  Visit their ferretry.  If they
aren't willing to allow you to see the entire operation, leave.  A good
breeder has nothing to hide.  Many breeders who show at ferret shows do
so because the more ribbons they have, the more attractive their kits
look to a potential buyer, and the more income and prestige that breeder
will earn.
Rather than buying at shows, go to the shows, meet the breeders, and tell
them you want to see their operation before making a purchase.  If they
invite you to their home but their ferretry is elsewhere and they won't
let you visit it, do not buy from them.  That is the best way to weed out
the breeders with bad conditions.  If people stop buying from them, they
will stop breeding, as it just won't be cost effective anymore.
If you go to a ferretry and the conditions are bad, report it.  Every
municipality in the USA, the UK, and Canada has someone you can make a
report to.  Animal Control, the SPCA, the RSPCA, even the local health
department.  If you aren't sure, call a local vet and ask them.  If you
don't report it, you are as guilty as the breeder.
[Posted in FML issue 4282]